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Abandonment ID: 00764
Ship name:Lamar[resolved]
7-digit IMO no.:9124201
Port of abandonment:Suez Canal anchorage, Egypt
Abandonment date:1 April 2023
Notification date:14 June 2023
Reporting Member Govt. or Org.:ITF
No. of Seafarers:21(1 complaining)
Nationalities:Lebanon(2); Syrian Arab Republic(15); Egypt(1); India(3)
Circumstances:P&I : Thomas Miller Speciality

Type : General Cargo

The 2nd officer urgently needs to be taken to hospital; he has reported symptoms of urine infection.
Until now and after so many days, the seafarer has not been taken to hospital and the wrong medicines were given to him without being checked by a doctor.
Unpaid for 4 months (February – May)
The water tanks on board are not clean and the water cannot be used for drinking as per the crew information.
The crew are paying for bottled water
Actions taken:25 May 2023: Flag State informed
Contacted the owner, local ship agent, flag state and the Egyptian maritime authorities

Payment status:14 June 2023: Payment Pending
US$4,060.29 (May not included)

Comments and Observations:ITF (14 June 2023)
Serious urgent medical assistance is required.

ITF (25 January 2024)
The seafarer was paid in full and repatriated. However, the seafarer had to pay for his medical checks once home, as he was refused to be taken to hospital whilst on board

Entered: Thursday - 25 January 2024 at 15:52:34
Last updated: Thursday - 25 January 2024 at 15:52:55
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In collaboration with the International Maritime Organization