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Konyui[fishing vessel]


Abandonment ID: 00652
Ship name:Konyui[fishing vessel]
7-digit IMO no.:7607613
Port of abandonment:Dakar, Senegal
Abandonment date:1 January 2022
Notification date:8 June 2022
Reporting Member Govt. or Org.:ITF
No. of Seafarers:9
Nationalities:Iran, Islamic Republic of(1); Guinea(2); Ghana(1); Sierra Leone(4); Ukraine(1)
Circumstances:P&I : Unknown

Crew has not been paid for the past 7 months.
Actions taken:24 April 2022: Flag State informed
Local ITF Contact visited the vessel.
Payment status:Payment Pending
$US77,100 This is for four crewmembers only. The rest of the crew do not wish to put a complaint forward.

Last updated: Thursday - 15 December 2022 at 10:48:23^ top

In collaboration with the International Maritime Organization