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[Bermuda I - resolved]


Abandonment ID: 00056
Ship name:[Bermuda I - resolved]
7-digit IMO no.:8979427
Port of abandonment:Constantza (Rumania)
Abandonment date:2006
Notification date:March 2007
Reporting Member Govt. or Org.:ITF
No. of Seafarers:7
Nationalities:Georgia(6); Türkiye(1)
Circumstances:Ship and crew abandoned, no contract on board, crew starving and requesting repatriation. The ship is substandard in all aspects, having main engine and hull deficiencies, inadequate fire fighting equipment and unacceptable working and living conditions. The ship is under arrest by the Port State Control following the discovery of false documents. The apparent flag State of Cambodia denies any knowledge of the vessel in its register. The ship was originally abandoned at anchorage, but on 01 June was moved to a berth. The ITF inspector, together with the local seamen's club have been supplying food to the crew. In the absence of an owner, the authorities were unable to embark upon legal proceedings against the vessel, however the court did eventually accept the case pleaded by a lawyer on behalf of the crew. The first hearing took place on 21 June, but no decision was taken. On July 4th a hearing found in favour of the crew and the vessel is expected to be sold next month.
Actions taken:13 July 2007: Other
The local ITF inspector is looking for possible ways to repatriate the crew and reimburse outstanding wages.
Repatriation status:13 July 2007: Repatriation pending
Payment status:13 July 2007: Payment Pending
5 crew members are owed 4 months wages, 2 are owned 7 months wages, currently amounting to a total of US$30,400.
Comments and Observations:ITF (13 July 2007)
According to Equasis database the Ship Manager is listed as PLD Shipping, Pissau Industrial Estate, Miri, Malaysia and the Registered Owner is given as Bermuda Transacts, Malaysia. (last updated 20 November 2006). Local information however suggests that the owner is based in Bulgaria.

ITF (16 December 2016)

Last updated: Monday - 19 December 2016 at 09:55:02^ top

In collaboration with the International Maritime Organization