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[Seabreeze I - resolved]


Abandonment ID: 00327
Ship name:[Seabreeze I - resolved]
7-digit IMO no.:8972273
Port of abandonment:Danube River, Galati, Romania
Abandonment date:28 July 2017
Reporting Member Govt. or Org.:ITF
No. of Seafarers:4
Circumstances:Vessel under arrest, crew unpaid for 3 months, no food, no fuel. Owner changed flag and left minimal crew on board.
Actions taken:Other
Investigating use of MLC Reg 2.5.2 insurance – certification exists with a company called ‘Central Insurance Society’ based in Mytishchi, Moscow Region, Russia.
Repatriation status:Repatriation pending
Payment status:Payment Pending
5 months outstanding
Comments and Observations:ITF
01/09/2017 Crew apparently repatriated by the owner. Vessel remained at anchor without crew
In December owner came and paid everybody, court action stopped and on 20th of December 2017 vessel towed by a tug and left the place of anchorage to Ismail (Ukraine) shipyard. Now vessel is somewhere in Russia, Baltic Sea.

Last updated: Monday - 29 January 2018 at 08:35:43^ top

In collaboration with the International Maritime Organization