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[Katina - Inactive]


Abandonment ID: 00195
Ship name:[Katina - Inactive]
Flag:St. Vincent & Grenadines
7-digit IMO no.:7410852
Port of abandonment:Hodeidah, Yemen
Abandonment date:12 January 2012
Notification date:29 May 2013
Reporting Member Govt. or Org.:ITF
No. of Seafarers:8 (remaining)
Circumstances:Abandoned due to the owner's bankruptcy
Actions taken:Other
All Croatian seafarers repatriated.

Vessel arrested by the Port State
Vessel is currently arrested and a lawyer is representing the seafarers.
Repatriation status:Repatriation pending
8 Myanmar seafarers are still on-board
Comments and Observations:ITF (16 December 2016)
Case closed but details not available

The lawyer in Aden will fund the air tickets. The Yemeni Maritime Authority will fund the domestic and government fee. The case is in the final stage.

Govt. of Saint Vincent and the Grenadines
Contacted the owners/managers of the vessel upon the notification of the arrest of the vessel. The managers confirmed the arrest of the vessel and sell of it. They also confirmed of the provision of food and supplies to the crews.

Last updated: Thursday - 19 January 2017 at 11:07:41^ top

In collaboration with the International Maritime Organization