Abandonment ID: | 00142 |
Ship name: | [Caribbean carrier - Inactive] |
Flag: | Panama |
7-digit IMO no.: | 8306565 |
Port of abandonment: | Mayaguez, Puerto Rico |
Abandonment date: | 14 June 2010 |
Notification date: | 14 June 2010 |
Reporting Member Govt. or Org.: | Non-governmental Organization (ICMA(International Christian Maritime Association)) |
No. of Seafarers: | 15 |
Nationalities: | Bulgaria; Dominican Republic; Georgia; Greece; Honduras; Romania; Ukraine |
Circumstances: | Owner insolvent and has stopped provisioning ship and paying crew. |
Actions taken: | 14 June 2010: Provisions provided Chaplain donated food and phone cards.
Repatriation status: | 14 June 2010: Repatriation pending Not repatriated.
Payment status: | 14 June 2010: Payment Pending At least 2 months unpaid.
Comments and Observations: | ITF (25 November 2016) The case is closed but it is impossible to find out further details.
ITF (16 December 2016) Case closed but details not available