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Abandonment ID: 00989
Nom du navire:Mask
No. OMI (7 chiffres):9116321
Port d'abandon:Bandar Imam Khomeini, Iran
Date d'abandon:1 mai 2024
Date de notification:6 juin 2024
Gouvernement ou entité rapportante:Fed. int. des ouvriers du transport (ITF)
Nombre de marins:23
Nationalités:Egypte(2); République arabe syrienne(21)
Circonstances:Financial Security Provider: MS Amlin Marine

Type: Bulk Carrier

Only 2 seafarers requesting assistance

2 seafarers have outstanding wages of 3 months (March to May), plus days in June

They report that they have been beaten on board

The ITF is in possession of photograph sent by the affected seafarers as evidence of the physical aggression
Actions entreprises:1 juin 2024: L'Etat du Pavillon à été informé
Contacted the owners, flag state and Iranian maritime authorities
Situation concernant le rapatriement:6 juin 2024: En attente de rapatriement
Paiement des salaires:6 juin 2024: En attente de paiement
Commentaires et observations:Gouv. de Panama (16 septembre 2024)
In response to the labour complaint filed against the vessel “MASK" with IMO No. 9116321, we provide you with the latest communications:

1. Through email dated June 04, 2024, the PMA sent the 1st communication addressed to Shipowners, Operators and/or Local Resident Agents, communicating the labour complaint filed against the vessel, and requesting the measures adopted to correct such deficiencies.

2. Through email dated June 04, 2024, Company responded: “For your information this 2 Egyptian seafarers already take all salary and go to home before 2 days and no body touches him but this to person working only to months and refusing any order for master and already now in this home And check attached file”

3. Through email dated June 04, 2024, addressed to ITF Inspector, we forwarded the evidence provided by Company.

4. Through email dated June 06, 2024, we reiterate the email dated June 04, 2024, addressed to ITF Inspector, we forwarded the evidence provided by Company.

5. Through email dated June 06, 2024, addressed to Company, we responded that: “… we have forwarded your response and evidence to the ITF Inspector, so they can verify with seafarer.”

Saisie: jeudi - 20 juin 2024 a 15:50:18
Dernière mise à jour: vendredi - 20 septembre 2024 a 15:02:09
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En collaboration avec l'Organisation Maritime Internationale