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Abandonment ID: 00745
Nombre del buque:Ghaydaa[resolved]
No. OMI:7366037
Puerto de abandono:En-route to Alexandria, Egypt
Fecha de abandono:1 Febrero 2023
Fecha de notificación:31 Marzo 2023
Reporting Member Govt. or Org.:Fed. Int. de los Trabajadores del Trasporte (ITF)
No. de marinos:12(only 1 complainant)
Nacionalidades:República Arabe Siria(10); Egipto(2)
Circunstancias:P&I : Unknown

Type : General Cargo

MLC complaint received from 1 seafarer on board. Egyptian seafarer has not been paid since he has joined the vessel on 8th December 2022 (4 months). Seafarer wants to be repatriated
Non conformity of the SEA of the seafarer: The monthly wages are not reflected in it at all. It is referred under No 3 in the contract: Monthly Salary: Agreed
Acciones tomadas:30 Marzo 2023: Flag State informed
Owners, managers, Lebanese flag state, maritime authorities in Lebanon and Egypt have been informed
Estado de la repatriación:31 Marzo 2023: Repatriation pending
Estado del pago:31 Marzo 2023: Payment Pending
Comentarios y observaciones:Fed. Int. de los Trabajadores del Trasporte (ITF) (27 Noviembre 2023)
The seafarer received his outstanding wages and has been repatriated.

Entered: Martes - 28 Noviembre 2023 08:47:16
Última actualización: Martes - 28 Noviembre 2023 08:47:45
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En colaboración con la Organización Marítima Internacional