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Abandonment ID: 01086
Nombre del buque:Dubreka
No. OMI:8028424
Puerto de abandono:Las Palmas, Canary Islands, Spain
Fecha de abandono:1 Julio 2024
Fecha de notificación:1 Octubre 2024
Reporting Member Govt. or Org.:Fed. Int. de los Trabajadores del Trasporte (ITF)
No. de marinos:16
Nacionalidades:Indonesia(1); Rusia, Federación de(4); Ucrania(11)
Circunstancias:only 7 seafarers requesting assistance

Vessel type: Refrigerated Cargo Ship

P&I/Financial security insurer: RO Marine

Vessel under repair. Crewmembers have not been paid since May 2024. Repair team payments are up to date.
Acciones tomadas:24 Septiembre 2024: Flag State informed
Contacted Las Palmas port state control, port welfare committee, agent, owners and flag state.
Estado de la repatriación:1 Octubre 2024: Other
Not requested
Estado del pago:1 Octubre 2024: Payment Pending
Outstanding wages: US$123,500
Comentarios y observaciones:España (8 Octubre 2024)
We have just referred this information to our maritime administration and our colleagues in Madrid will reach out the Local Maritime Authority in Las Palmas.

Otro (8 Octubre 2024)
by Dominica Maritime Registry

Once we were notified last week of this issue, we immediately contacted the owner for an update on the situation. The owners today have submitted evidence that crew wages for the months of May, June and July were paid in the last week. We are just waiting for confirmation from the Captain.

They have notified us that they expect the wages for the months of July – September to be transferred and rectified within a week and we can provide confirmation of that payment as well once received.

España (9 Octubre 2024)
The Local Maritime Authority in Las Palmas submitted the information below.

• After a hand-to-hand effort among Local Maritime Authority in Las Palmas and ITF (Seafarers' Welfare Committee), the crew have received the wages for the months of May, June, and July 2024. We have been confirmed that the outstandings wages for August and September will be paid this coming Thursday.

• It has been quite a complex process, but it is coming to a successful conclusion.

Última actualización: Jueves - 17 Octubre 2024 08:31:27^ top

En colaboración con la Organización Marítima Internacional