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Captain Nikolas [resolved]


Abandonment ID: 01061
Nombre del buque:Captain Nikolas [resolved]
Bandera:Cook, Islas
No. OMI:9008108
Puerto de abandono:Sharjah, UAE
Fecha de abandono:1 Junio 2024
Fecha de notificación:19 Agosto 2024
Reporting Member Govt. or Org.:Fed. Int. de los Trabajadores del Trasporte (ITF)
No. de marinos:25
Nacionalidades:Azerbaiyán(1); India(1); Moldova(1); Filipinas(4); Ucrania(18)
Circunstancias:Financial Security Provider: Hydor

Type : LPG Tanker

Crew have outstanding wages for 3 months (April to June)
Acciones tomadas:15 Agosto 2024: Flag State informed
Emailed the owners, managers, flag state and insurance.
Estado de la repatriación:19 Agosto 2024: Repatriation pending

1 Octubre 2024: Repatriated
Estado del pago:19 Agosto 2024: Payment Pending

1 Octubre 2024: Paid
Comentarios y observaciones:Otro (29 Agosto 2024)
From the Govt. of Cook Islands to the IMO:

I would like to acknowledge receipt with thanks of your communication.

I can confirm that this Administration has received the communication from ITF on 15/08/24 and it has since been working with ITF and managers in order to have outstanding wages fully paid and due repatriation of seafarers complied with.

So far we have been provided only partially with the evidence requested to the managers. We are following up daily with update requests and we will put in place the most appropriate actions to make sure this case is solved as quickly as possible.

ITF is copied on all our communications so that they can be up to date with any development.
I will provide any further significant update in due course.

Kind regards

Fed. Int. de los Trabajadores del Trasporte (ITF) (1 Octubre 2024)
Repatriation completed and wages recovered for all crew off signers and remaining seafarers onboard

Entered: Martes - 1 Octubre 2024 16:46:51
Última actualización: Miércoles - 2 Octubre 2024 10:35:09
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En colaboración con la Organización Marítima Internacional