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Abandonment ID: 01060
Nombre del buque:Bellone
No. OMI:9108245
Puerto de abandono:Port Louis, Mauritius
Fecha de abandono:1 Mayo 2024
Fecha de notificación:19 Agosto 2024
Reporting Member Govt. or Org.:Fed. Int. de los Trabajadores del Trasporte (ITF)
No. de marinos:10
Nacionalidades:Viet Nam(10)
Circunstancias:Financial Security Provider: Unknown

Type : Passenger/Ro-Ro

Outstanding wages of 5 months and expired contracts for the entire crew
Acciones tomadas:14 Agosto 2024: Flag State informed
Contacted the owner and the flag state
Estado de la repatriación:19 Agosto 2024: Repatriation pending
Estado del pago:19 Agosto 2024: Payment Pending
Comentarios y observaciones:Mauricio (23 Agosto 2024)
Your email regarding the vessel MV Bellone presently at anchorage in Port Louis, Mauritius refers;

Please note that;

(a) M/V Bellone, IMO No 9108245, arrived at Port Louis, Mauritius on 26 February 2024.
(b) At present, all ship’s class certificates have expired as well as its Certificate of Registry issued by Mongolia. This Ministry as well as the Mauritius Ports Authority have been pressing upon the ship owners to work on those issues as quickly as possible so that the vessel may complete all required surveys and the vessel could be re-certified.

(c) On 16 July 2024, a Notice of Detention was served on the vessel on the grounds that all seaworthiness certificates have expired. As at date, this Notice is still valid and the vessel remains detained at Port Louis.

(d) Following information received regarding outstanding salaries, several meetings were held with the ship owner and his representatives. This Ministry is also in regular contact with the Master of M/V Bellone through telephone and emails. Additionally, officers from this Ministry boarded the vessel on 12 August 2024 to enquire about the situation onboard and had discussions with the Master and all the crew members. In the afternoon of the same day, an urgent meeting was held at this Ministry with the ship owner’s representatives.

(e) During the aforesaid meeting, the ship owner’s representatives confirmed that necessary arrangements have been made for the vessel to be surveyed by a Korean Recognised Organisation and afterwards re-instate all the required ship's certificates. Accordingly, the survey would be conducted by the last week of August 2024. this information has been re-confirmed on this day by one of the Owner's representatives.

(f) The ship owner’s representatives also confirmed that they have initiated arrangements for the repatriation of at least three seafarers and that their outstanding salaries would be settled prior to their repatriation.

(g) ITF enquired about the vessel on 15 August 2024 and he was informed of the situation and all actions taken by this Ministry on 19 August 2024.

(h) As matters stand today, this Ministry is closely monitoring the vessel, its crew – the settlement of their salaries and their repatriation.

We shall keep you updated of any further development in this matter

Última actualización: Miércoles - 4 Septiembre 2024 16:39:15^ top

En colaboración con la Organización Marítima Internacional