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Rigel II [resolved]


Abandonment ID: 01048
Nom du navire:Rigel II [resolved]
No. OMI (7 chiffres):7826788
Port d'abandon:Bari, Italy
Date d'abandon:9 janvier 2024
Date de notification:2 août 2024
Gouvernement ou entité rapportante:Fed. int. des ouvriers du transport (ITF)
Nombre de marins:71
Nationalités:Albanie(7); Egypte(32); Grèce(25); Indonésie(4); Roumanie(3)
Circonstances:Financial Security Provider: American Club

Type: Passenger/Ro-Ro Ship (Vehicles)

Only 5 seafarers requesting assistance

2 months outstanding wages
Actions entreprises:9 janvier 2024: L'Etat du Pavillon à été informé
Contacted the owner, operator and flag state
Situation concernant le rapatriement:2 août 2024: Rapatriés
Paiement des salaires:2 août 2024: Réglé
Commentaires et observations:Gouv. de Italie (15 août 2024)
According to the information provided, the port of Bari, in Italy, was quoted, therefore we investigated the matter as Port Authority.

We can confirm that the ship is currently in a regular service between the ports of Bari, Italy, and Durres, Albania.
The last inspection carried out on the vessel by our inspectors in Bari was carried out on 7.6.2024; on that occasion no deficiencies were found in the MLC, 2006, with the exception of inadequate cleaning of the engine room, however not such as to be considered by the inspectors as a reason to stop the vessel.
We have also asked our inspectors in the port of Bari to double check again and yesterday he went on board the ship to verify the information.
The inspector carried out documentary checks and interviews with the maritime personnel on board, activities that did not reveal any shortcomings in relation to the implementation of the requirements of the MLC Convention, 2006.

We remain available for any further information that may be deemed useful.

Gouv. de Chypre (19 août 2024)
As it transpires from below correspondence and latest message from ITF dated 14 August 2024, the case of RIGEL II is a retrospective submission and ITF neglected to report it at the time their inspector dealt with the case . As a result, the Cyprus Maritime Administration ( Shipping Deputy Ministry) , as the flag State of the vessel , has been informed of this case just recently on 8 August 2024 by the IMO Secretariat. We therefore requested the shipowners of the vessel to provide us with relevant information/ clarifications and we are in contact with them in order to investigate the case .We note that the shipowners have not been aware of the complaint . The shipowners were informed by the Cyprus Maritime Administration just recently on 9 August 2024.

We shall revert on this matter in the coming days once the investigation is completed.

Gouv. de Roumanie (20 août 2024)
Related to the subject vessel, kindly note that we do not have any information related to Romanian seafarers on board (3), nor any complaint has been received until now by the Romanian Naval Authority or any other institution of the Romanian Government.

Saisie: mercredi - 21 août 2024 a 16:22:39
Dernière mise à jour: mercredi - 21 août 2024 a 18:45:21
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En collaboration avec l'Organisation Maritime Internationale