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Gelibolu 2 [disputed]


Abandonment ID: 01023
Nombre del buque:Gelibolu 2 [disputed]
No. OMI:8319976
Puerto de abandono:Çanakkale Offshore, Türkiye
Fecha de abandono:1 Abril 2024
Fecha de notificación:12 Julio 2024
Reporting Member Govt. or Org.:Fed. Int. de los Trabajadores del Trasporte (ITF)
No. de marinos:8
Nacionalidades:Azerbaiyán(4); India(3); Türkiye(1)
Circunstancias:Financial Security Provider: Arsenal-Kyrgyzstan Insurance Company

Type: General Cargo

Only 6 seafarers requesting assistance

Unpaid salary period of between 2 and 6 months. Drinking and fresh water on the ship ran out on 10th June,2024.
Acciones tomadas:24 Junio 2024: Flag State informed
Contacted the owners, flag state, maritime authorities, P&I club and port state.
Estado de la repatriación:12 Julio 2024: Repatriation pending

14 Agosto 2024: Other
There are a total of 6 crew members on board.

The ship is currently detained by court order due to its debt.

The ship's cook cut his arm with a razor this week because he did not want to stay on the ship any longer. He was taken to the hospital. He was treated, but he did not want to return to the ship, so the ITF repatriated him.
Estado del pago:12 Julio 2024: Payment Pending

14 Agosto 2024: Partially paid
There are a total of 6 crew members on board.

All salaries for 5 of them were paid in July. The company paid a total of $17,583.

The crew's salaries for July 2024 have arrived but there is a payment problem again.
Comentarios y observaciones:Fed. Int. de los Trabajadores del Trasporte (ITF) (14 Agosto 2024)
There are a total of 6 crew members on board.

All salaries for 5 of them were paid in July. The company paid a total of $17,583.

The crew's salaries for July 2024 have arrived but there is a payment problem again.

The ship is currently detained by court order due to its debt.

The ship's cook cut his arm with a razor this week because he did not want to stay on the ship any longer. He was taken to the hospital. He was treated, but he did not want to return to the ship, so the ITF repatriated him.

Azerbaiyán (5 Septiembre 2024)
I am writing with regards to abandoned general cargo ship “Gelibolu 2”. As the date of report there were 4 Azerbaijani citizens, so that we had informed our embassy in the Republic of Turkiye. However, while checking the status of the case in ILO/IMO joint database we have noticed an update, so pending salaries partially was paid. In the report there is no clear information whether there are Azerbaijanis among seafarers who stay on the ship untill now. We would like to ask if you to help us to get contact information, so we can pass it to our consulate accordingly.

Entered: Miércoles - 21 Agosto 2024 13:26:47
Última actualización: Martes - 10 Septiembre 2024 14:27:47
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En colaboración con la Organización Marítima Internacional