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Abandonment ID: 00712
Nom du navire:Guardians[disputed]
No. OMI (7 chiffres):9165451
Port d'abandon:Freetown anchorage, Sierra Leone
Date d'abandon:27 octobre 2022
Date de notification:4 décembre 2022
Gouvernement ou entité rapportante:Fed. int. des ouvriers du transport (ITF)
Nombre de marins:12
Nationalités:Inde(11); Myanmar(1)
Circonstances:P&I : MS Amlin

Type : Chemical/Products Tanker

Crew are unpaid for 2 months (September-October) 3 of the crew were paid a half salary for August. Shortage of water, provision and bunker.
Actions entreprises:27 octobre 2022: L'Etat du Pavillon à été informé
Contacted Flag State, shipowner, ship manager. Water, bunker and provision was supplied by ship manager
Situation concernant le rapatriement:4 décembre 2022: En attente de rapatriement
Paiement des salaires:4 décembre 2022: En attente de paiement
Commentaires et observations:Fed. int. des ouvriers du transport (ITF) (4 décembre 2022)
The vessel was under arrest due to litigation between registered owner and bareboat charterer

Fed. int. des ouvriers du transport (ITF) (9 mars 2023)
We have been informed that the Master, Cook and 2nd Eng were repatriated in December 2022. We are unsure about the Master, but other 2 crewmembers have not been paid and are going to sue the company. Since they left the vessel we have had no new information despite us continuing to press the shipowner, charterer and flag state, as we are really trying to get the outstanding wage for Ch. Eng, who has been waiting for it since August 2022.

Gouv. de Panama (19 juillet 2023)
Through Email dated June 28, 2023, the P&I Club indicated that the transfers took place on Friday, June 23, 2023, for all the previous crewmembers except for 3 of them, indicating that these three transfers could not go through along with the other transfers because they were missing some details from the crew members, but now they have received all the needed information and they will proceed with the payment.

Gouv. de Panama (20 mars 2024)
In response to the labor complaint filed against the vessel “GUARDIANS”, with IMO No. 9165451, we provide you with the latest communications:
1. Through Email dated July 05, 2023, the P&1 Club responded:
“...Thank you for touching base on this.
We confirm also the rest of the payments were done last Friday. Please find attached the relevant proofs of payment.

2. Through Email dated July 05, 2023, addressed to ITF Inspector, we indicated:
“...In regard to the abandonment case of“GUARDIANS”
(Abandonment ID: 00712), the P&I Club remitted us the evidence of payment of the crewmembers.
Could you please assist me, verifying this information with the crewmembers rind further update the 1MO/ILO Database? “

3. Through Email dated July 05, 2023, ITF lnspector indicated that:
“ .. Yes that's correct I already have notified London head office that they can close the abandonment and notified ILO of the same. ”

4. Through Email dated July 18, 2023, we do a follow up email with ITF Inspector. that no change have been included.

5. Through Email dated July 18, 2023, the ITF Inspector indicated that the person in charge “...has the updates and when he coms back from leave next week he will send them to the ILO. I have sent a reminder as well to the head office in London."

6. Through Email dated Aug. 03, 2023, reiterated on August 09,2023, we do a follow up email with ITF Inspector, that no
change have been included.

7. Through Email August 09, 2023, ITF Inspector responded the following: " ... I have already emailed the heat/ office in London anti advise, they update ILO IMO once a month so the update will go with the rest of the abandonment., in the next update .... "

8. Through Email dated September 06 and 07, 2023, we sent two(2) follow up email with ITF Inspector and Supervisor, that no change have been included.

9. Through Email dated Oct 12, 2023. ITF responded:
" ... I have sent the update to our head office in London several times and several times they have responded it has been done so maybe the problem is with the ILO. I have forwarded your email to London and asked them to follow up with the ILO database to see why it hasn't been closed.
FYI there is still one crew member from the old crew that for logistics hasn't received all the money yet and the P&I club was working to sent/ him tire money .. "

Saisie: vendredi - 10 mars 2023 a 08:25:05
Dernière mise à jour: mardi - 2 avril 2024 a 10:53:22
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En collaboration avec l'Organisation Maritime Internationale