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Abandonment ID: 00439
Nombre del buque:Superior[resolved]
No. OMI:9553220
Puerto de abandono:Singapore
Fecha de abandono:2 Junio 2020
Fecha de notificación:9 Junio 2020
Reporting Member Govt. or Org.:Liberia (Liberian Registry)
No. de marinos:20
Circunstancias:P&I: The London P&I Club

The crew reported being unpaid since January 2020.
Acciones tomadas:2 Junio 2020: Other
The Liberian Registry communcated to the shipowner to rectify the issue, and also notified the P%I club for their assistance to cover the wages.

2 Junio 2020: Flag State informed
Liberian Registry was made aware of the case.
Estado de la repatriación:31 Agosto 2020: Repatriated
All seafarers successfully repatriated in Manila as of 31 August 2020.

Repatriation pending
Seafarers remained on board the vessel.
Estado del pago:8 Julio 2020: Paid
The Liberian Flag Administration received a report that the mortgagee bank of the vessel settled the crew wages.

Payment Pending
The wages from March 2020 to date have not paid.
Comentarios y observaciones:Otro (2 Junio 2020)
The shipowner informed the Liberian Registry that the vessel was arrested in Singapore by her creditors and crew members have not received their wages from March 2020 to date.

Otro (3 Junio 2020)
The London P&I club confirmed that they will investigate the report of abandonment and filing a claim.

Liberia (3 Agosto 2020)
The Liberian Flag Administration received a report that the vessel was already released by a Singapore Court, and sailed to a discharge port in China.

Liberia (31 Agosto 2020)
The Liberian Flag Adminstration received a confirmation from P&I club that the vessel arrived in Manila Anchorage, Philippines and proceeded with repatriation of affected seafarers.

Última actualización: Martes - 1 Septiembre 2020 09:06:48^ top

En colaboración con la Organización Marítima Internacional