Abandonment ID: | 00202 |
Nombre del buque: | [Kenza - Inactive] |
Bandera: | Marruecos |
No. OMI: | 8914544 |
Puerto de abandono: | Cagliary / Italy |
Fecha de abandono: | 5 Mayo 2013 |
Fecha de notificación: | 1 Noviembre 2013 |
Reporting Member Govt. or Org.: | Fed. Int. de los Trabajadores del Trasporte (ITF) |
No. de marinos: | 15 |
Nacionalidades: | Marruecos(15) |
Circunstancias: | Debt with the crew and other partners, the owner of the vessel refuses to speak with the crews. He cut the internet on board, cut master mobile phone. Many problems with the Port Authority and the court of Cagliary due to the fact that the vessel is not officially detained after several months of stopping in Cagliary. Food and water provided by the Stella Maris (the Apostleship of the Sea). |
Acciones tomadas: | Other Detention of the vessel through the lawyer
Estado de la repatriación: | Repatriation pending All crews are on board.
Estado del pago: | Payment Pending According to the seafarers' declaration, it is more than 1 million dollars. However, all contracts were written in Arab languages, so difficult to verify. The owner also failed to pay the pension contributions for a year.
Comentarios y observaciones: | Fed. Int. de los Trabajadores del Trasporte (ITF) (16 Diciembre 2016) Case closed but details not available