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[Ocean Therese - resolved]


Abandonment ID: 00085
Ship name:[Ocean Therese - resolved]
7-digit IMO no.:7700594
Port of abandonment:Skagen, Denmark
Abandonment date:23 October 2009
Reporting Member Govt. or Org.:ITF
No. of Seafarers:6
Nationalities:Lithuania(1); Poland(1); Russian Federation(4)
Circumstances:Owner bankrupt
Actions taken:3 December 2008: Flag State informed
Ship arrested by ITF
Repatriation status:23 March 2009: Repatriated
ITF advanced funds for repatriation, subsequently refunded by the bank
Payment status:23 March 2009: Paid
All outstanding remuneration paid by bank
23rd March 2009

Comments and Observations:ITF (23 March 2009)
For the record only, case now considered resolved.

Govt. of Panama
Flag has been changed into Belize since 2009-12. Current name of the vessel is Thor Skandia.

Entered: Friday - 21 August 2009 at 14:29:11
Last updated: Friday - 20 March 2015 at 14:09:08
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In collaboration with the International Maritime Organization