Abandonment ID: | 00698 |
Ship name: | Morayo[resolved] |
Flag: | United Arab Emirates |
7-digit IMO no.: | 9725926 |
Port of abandonment: | Al Hamriya, UAE |
Abandonment date: | 1 August 2022 |
Notification date: | 12 October 2022 |
Reporting Member Govt. or Org.: | ITF |
No. of Seafarers: | 8 |
Nationalities: | Indonesia(7); Ukraine(1) |
Circumstances: | P&I : Gard
Seafarers have not been paid for between 2-4 months. They have informed us that they are without fuel provisions. Some of the crew employment contracts have expired. The seafarers want to be repatriated. |
Actions taken: | 10 October 2022: Flag State informed Company owners contacted. Flag Stated notified and informed and requested assistance. UAE maritime authorities informed.
Repatriation status: | 12 October 2022: Repatriation pending
Payment status: | 12 October 2022: Payment Pending The total wages outstanding is US$45,600
Comments and Observations: | ITF (17 March 2023) All owed wages received and the crew have been repatriated