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Haj Abdulla[resolved]


Abandonment ID: 00575
Ship name:Haj Abdulla[resolved]
Flag:Sierra Leone
7-digit IMO no.:7702114
Port of abandonment:Mogadishu, Somalia
Abandonment date:15 July 2021
Notification date:1 October 2021
Reporting Member Govt. or Org.:ITF
No. of Seafarers:11
Nationalities:Egypt(8); Lebanon(2); Syrian Arab Republic(1)
Circumstances:P&I: Thomas Miller

General Cargo

Outstanding wages for all crew for 4 months
Lack of provisions
Crew inform us that sea water is entering the tanks.
Repatriations requested by all the crew,many of whom have their contracts already expired since end of July 2021.
Actions taken:15 September 2021: Flag State informed

Owners-managers and P&I contacted.

Repatriation status:24 March 2022: Repatriated
All crew have been paid until 24th December 2021 and repatriated home from Dar es Salaam, Tanzania. 2 outstanding issues remain, the reimbursement of the flight ticket for one crew member who paid it himself, and 7 crew are claiming proportional wages for the period 24th December 2021 to 9th January 2022.

Repatriation pending
All crew want to be repatriated.
Payment status:Payment Pending
Comments and Observations:ITF (10 February 2022)
All crew have been paid until 24th December 2021 and repatriated from Dar es Salaam, Tanzania. At the moment there are two pending issues:
1. Flight tickets for one of the crew who had to pay for it himself and is awaiting reimbursement.
2. 7 crew claiming the proportional wages for the period 24th December 2021 to 9th January 2022.

ITF (7 March 2023)
All crew have received their owed wages and have been repatriated

Last updated: Tuesday - 7 March 2023 at 11:44:10^ top

In collaboration with the International Maritime Organization