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Fuji Harmony [resolved]


Abandonment ID: 00979
Nombre del buque:Fuji Harmony [resolved]
No. OMI:9913999
Puerto de abandono:Progreso, Mexico
Fecha de abandono:1 Marzo 2024
Fecha de notificación:30 Mayo 2024
Reporting Member Govt. or Org.:Fed. Int. de los Trabajadores del Trasporte (ITF)
No. de marinos:20
Circunstancias:P&I : Britannia P&I

Type : Bulk Carrier

4 months outstanding wages
Acciones tomadas:12 Abril 2024: Flag State informed
Contacted the owners, flag state and P&I club
Estado de la repatriación:26 Junio 2024: Repatriated
Crew who complained were repatriated
Estado del pago:30 Mayo 2024: Payment Pending

26 Junio 2024: Paid
Crew who complained received their owed wages
Comentarios y observaciones:Otro (26 Junio 2024)
From the International Group of P&I Clubs.

I have received the following information from Britannia P&I regarding the reported abandonment of FUJI HARMONY, IMO No: 9913999.

The shipowner was contacted by the ITF on 12 April 2024.

The issue concerned an unavoidable delay in the payment of the cash element of a part of the crew salaries which is paid on board (the home allotments were paid in full and on time).

The shipowners explained to the ITF the difficulties that they were having providing the vessel with CTM through local agents since January 2024 because of the strict policies controlling the release of foreign currencies in the ports where the vessel was trading during this period.

The crew were fully apprised of the situation whilst the shipowners continued to try and find a convenient port where they could receive the CTM to resolve the issue as soon as possible.

Subsequently, the shipowners managed to arrange remittance of sufficient CTM at Puerto Nuevo on 18 April, which covered all the outstanding on board pay.

The crew acknowledged receipt of all the outstanding salaries, and this was duly reported to the ITF on 20 April, as specifically requested by them in order to close the case.

A full explanation of the facts of the matter, with supporting documents, was also provided to the vessel’s Flag State.

This matter should now be considered resolved.

Fed. Int. de los Trabajadores del Trasporte (ITF) (26 Junio 2024)
Crew who complained received their owed wages and were repatriated

Entered: Jueves - 27 Junio 2024 11:03:18
Última actualización: Jueves - 27 Junio 2024 11:09:30
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En colaboración con la Organización Marítima Internacional