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Fatma Eylul


Abandonment ID: 00958
Ship name:Fatma Eylul
7-digit IMO no.:9297917
Port of abandonment:Ambarli, Turkiye
Abandonment date:1 February 2024
Notification date:16 April 2024
No. of Seafarers:12
Circumstances:P&I : Turk P&I

Type : Bulk Carrier

Crew joined the vessel in December 2023 and have received no wages since. The crew have no contracts of employment, having been told that they would be given to them when they reached the vessel. Lack of provisions.
Actions taken:15 April 2024: Flag State informed
Contacted the flag state and P&I club, and we have tried to contact the owners.

Repatriation status:16 April 2024: Repatriation pending
Payment status:16 April 2024: Payment Pending
Comments and Observations:ITF (9 April 2024)
It appears that one of our affiliates in Turkiye has been assisting with the provisioning of the vessel, but have not taken up the wider issues on board.

I will now contact the Master and take up the case as it is clearly a different abandonment case sine the one we reported in November 2023. As soon as I have further details I will submit a report.

ITF (11 April 2024)
We are organising provisions for the crew, but this cannot happen until Monday, after the Eid holiday. Also, the crew have informed us that they have no contracts of employment, as it seems the agents told them they would receive them when they arrived at the vessel.

This situation with the non-issue of contracts raises the question about agents seemingly knowing that they are sending crew to an abandoned vessel.

The owners of the vessel (Sea Lion Shipping) are also those associated with the MED SEA vessels that were abandoned in various parts of the world.

Other (11 April 2024)
Govt. of Belize to ITF
Thanks for your update on this matter and I have the same feeling about the sending crew to an abandoned ship if indeed they do not have contracts. I am checking with the new Master as well as the relationship with both mentioned companies that are not the one declared "Sea Lion Shipping" and see if these two companies will indeed take the responsibilities of the ship as a new buyers which it seems that it is their intention, but nothing official.

I will keep you posted on any developments on this matter and I hope we can reach an end soon.

Govt. of Belize (11 April 2024)
Please be informed that we will communicate with the new master as it seems that there are some changes because the companies quoted by him (RPSL NAMS Ship Management and RAS Ship Management) are not recognized by our Administration as either the shipowner or operator, but we will investigate further.

In addition, from the e-mail, it is confirmed that a change of crew was performed in December 2023 and now all crew members onboard are Indian (12 in total).

Last, we had made an attempt to contact with the Harbour Master, but it seems that there are some kind of holidays in Turkey, so an up to date information will be provided on Monday when they return to their offices.

We will provide you with more details in due course as soon as they are available.

Govt. of Belize (29 April 2024)
It is understood that the vessel was sold in auction, and we are working with the new owners in order to solve this matter as soon as possible. As soon as we receive more information on the way forward, we will revert to you.

Other (28 May 2024)
Dear IMO Representative,

I hope this letter finds you well. We are writing to bring to your attention a pressing matter regarding the crew of the M.V. Fatma Eylul, currently docked at Ambarli Port, Istanbul, Turkey.

We, the undersigned, represent the 12 crew members of the aforementioned vessel who have recently been repatriated by the company's representative lawyer. While we are grateful for the assistance provided in arranging our repatriation, we regret to inform you that we have not received our wages for the months of January, February, March, and April.

Despite assurances from the company, we have yet to receive any payment for the aforementioned months. The only assistance provided thus far has been the provision of flight tickets and visas to facilitate our return home.

In light of this situation, we kindly request that you update the details of this abandonment on your website to ensure that it is documented appropriately. Furthermore, we would like to inform you that we are actively in touch with the International Transport Workers' Federation (ITF) to deposit our power of attorney and seek further assistance in resolving this matter.

We urge the ILO to take prompt action to address this issue and ensure that our rights as seafarers are upheld. Your intervention in this matter would be greatly appreciated, as it is imperative for us to receive our unpaid wages without further delay.

Thank you for your attention to this urgent matter. We look forward to your prompt response and assistance in resolving this situation.


Fatma Eylul
All crew

Entered: Thursday - 2 May 2024 at 09:37:29
Last updated: Tuesday - 4 June 2024 at 11:34:47
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In collaboration with the International Maritime Organization