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Viktoria-B [resolved]


Abandonment ID: 00936
Ship name:Viktoria-B [resolved]
Flag:Antigua & Barbuda
7-digit IMO no.:9313632
Port of abandonment:Barcelona, Spain
Abandonment date:12 March 2024
Notification date:4 April 2024
Reporting Member Govt. or Org.:ITF
No. of Seafarers:7
Nationalities:Philippines(4); Russian Federation(1); Ukraine(2)
Circumstances:P&I : West P&I

Type : General Cargo

Ratings have outstanding wage of 2 months. Also 1 month over maximum duration of employment set at 7 months by applicable CBA.
Actions taken:11 March 2024: Flag State informed
Contacted the owners, flag state and ITF signatory union
Repatriation status:4 April 2024: Repatriated
Repatriation arranged for 3 ratings

3 May 2024: Repatriated
All crew have been repatriated
Payment status:3 April 2024: Paid
All crew have received their outstanding wages

4 April 2024: Paid
Comments and Observations:Govt. of Spain (9 April 2024)
We have just referred this information to our maritime administration and our colleagues in Madrid will reach out the Local Maritime Authority in Barcelona.

We will inform you as soon as we get further information on this case.

Govt. of Antigua and Barbuda (9 April 2024)
We write to inform you of the resolution regarding the reported abandonment of crew members from the General Cargo ship VIKTORIA-B, bearing IMO Number 9313632 and flying the flag of Antigua and Barbuda. The vessel had seven seafarers on board from the Philippines (4), Russian Federation (1), and Ukraine (2) who were reportedly abandoned in Barcelona, Spain on 12 March 2024. This incident was duly recorded in the IMO/ILO joint database on abandonment.

Upon receipt of this report, the flag administration promptly contacted the Owners of the VIKTORIA-B for clarification and action.

We are pleased to confirm that the Managers of VIKTORIA K took proactive measures to address the raised deficiencies in collaboration with Mr. Marc Marti, the ITF inspector. Subsequently, crew change was executed for three Filipino crew members, while the remaining crew remained on board. Importantly, all owed wages have been settled. Additionally, evidence of compliance with MLC 2006 requirements was provided, demonstrating insurance coverage by The West of England Ship Owners Mutual Insurance Association (Luxembourg).

Mr. Marc Marti, the ITF Inspector, further informed this flag administration that the seafarers initially considered abandoned as per MLC 2.5.2 have been repatriated, and no outstanding deficiencies were reported following his inspection on board the VIKTORIA B IMO 9313632.

The Antigua & Barbuda flag administration extends its gratitude to the personnel from IMO, ILO, ITF, ICS, and other relevant agencies for their exceptional cooperation in ensuring the protection of seafarers' rights.

We kindly request acknowledgment of receipt and closure of this matter from your end.

Govt. of Spain (22 April 2024)
Please see below the information submitted by the Local Maritime Authority in Barcelona on the situation of the General Cargo ship ‘VIKTORIA-B’, IMO Number 9313632, flag: Antigua and Barbuda, having on board 7 seafarers from the Philippines (4), Russian Federation (1), and Ukraine (2) who were abandoned in Barcelona, Spain on 12 March 2024.
• General cargo ship VIKTORIA-B called at Barcelon on 11 March and left the port on 12 March. No crew changes were conducting during the call at Barcelona.
• No notification or claim made by ITF inspector, or the crew was received by Local Maritime Authority in Barcelona.

Entered: Friday - 3 May 2024 at 10:35:52
Last updated: Friday - 3 May 2024 at 10:37:16
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In collaboration with the International Maritime Organization