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Abandonment ID: 00878
Nombre del buque:Imperator[resolved]
Bandera:Marshall, Islas
No. OMI:9367906
Puerto de abandono:Ravenna, Italy
Fecha de abandono:1 Diciembre 2023
Fecha de notificación:26 Enero 2024
Reporting Member Govt. or Org.:Fed. Int. de los Trabajadores del Trasporte (ITF)
No. de marinos:22
Circunstancias:P&I : Steamship Mutual

Type : Bulk Carrier

The seafarer has an expired contract and is owed 3 months wages (October to December). It is believed that another 11 seafarers have expired contracts and owed the same number of months wages, but they do not want to complain
Acciones tomadas:25 Enero 2024: Flag State informed
Contacted the owners, flag state and P&I club
Estado de la repatriación:26 Enero 2024: Repatriation pending
Estado del pago:26 Enero 2024: Payment Pending
Comentarios y observaciones:Marshall, Islas (29 Enero 2024)
The Administrator acknowledges your request, which is currently under review. A response will be provided when the review is complete.
Note - The Administrator has no current record of a MLC complaint from anyone on board the RMI vessel IMPERATOR or the ITF; however, we will be contacting the operator for comment

Marshall, Islas (2 Febrero 2024)
Per the attached, the ship was inspected by the Italian Coast Guard. They found no violations of MLC, 2006 and consider the case closed as does the Marshall Islands.
We insist that ITF close out this case immediately and that it is deemed resolved in the database prior to 13 February 2024.

Marshall, Islas (8 Febrero 2024)
We again respectfully request that this case is closed out and deemed resolved by ITF . The supporting documentation, including the travel arrangements, are re-attached for convenience.

Fed. Int. de los Trabajadores del Trasporte (ITF) (8 Febrero 2024)
ITF has now confirmed with the crew members that they have been repatriated and received all outstanding wages.
We consider this case resolved.

Fed. Int. de los Trabajadores del Trasporte (ITF) (6 Marzo 2024)
Crew member received his outstanding wages and was repatriated

Entered: Miércoles - 21 Febrero 2024 08:00:05
Última actualización: Lunes - 11 Marzo 2024 10:12:41
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En colaboración con la Organización Marítima Internacional