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Youssef Bey


Abandonment ID: 00876
Ship name:Youssef Bey
7-digit IMO no.:9124029
Port of abandonment:Damietta, Egypt
Abandonment date:1 October 2023
Notification date:22 January 2024
Reporting Member Govt. or Org.:ITF
No. of Seafarers:15(1 seafarer)
Nationalities:Syrian Arab Republic(10); Egypt(2); India(3)
Circumstances:P&I : Unknown

Type : General Cargo

Seafarer is claiming outstanding wages for November and December. The seafarer also wants to be repatriated after receiving his outstanding wages.
Actions taken:6 January 2024: Flag State informed
Contacted the company, managers, flag state and Egyptian maritime authorities
Repatriation status:22 January 2024: Repatriation pending
Payment status:22 January 2024: Payment Pending
Comments and Observations:Govt. of Belize (23 January 2024)
In this regard, please note that we believe this case has been resolved in conjunction with the ITF in Egypt, but I am currently counterchecking with them.

Yesterday, we had a telephone conversation on other case and this was also brought to the discussion that it seems to be fully resolved.

In either case, as soon as we have an official confirmation from the ITF, we will revert accordingly.

As informed in the past, the Belize Administration always work diligently to solve these kind of situations in favor of our seafarers; therefore, you may receive our confirmation as soon as possible.

Last updated: Wednesday - 21 February 2024 at 08:02:20^ top

In collaboration with the International Maritime Organization