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Fatma Eylul


Abandonment ID: 00818
Ship name:Fatma Eylul
7-digit IMO no.:9297917
Port of abandonment:Istanbul, Turkey
Abandonment date:1 November 2023
Notification date:6 November 2023
Reporting Member Govt. or Org.:ITF
No. of Seafarers:10
Nationalities:Türkiye(1); Azerbaijan(9)
Circumstances:P&I : Turk P&I

Type : Bulk Carrier

No fuel so the crew have no electric and therefore no refrigeration and heating, and can no longer cook. Lack of provision and limited drinking water. Crew are owed two months wages (September and October)
Actions taken:3 November 2023: Flag State informed
The ITF and the Harbour Master visited the vessel and supplied provisions. Contacted the owners, flag state and P&I club.
Repatriation status:6 November 2023: Repatriation pending
Pending for the Azerbaijan crew
Comments and Observations:ITF (6 November 2023)
Vessel is black out and storm season is started in the region

Entered: Thursday - 23 November 2023 at 08:26:43
Last updated: Thursday - 2 May 2024 at 09:23:02
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In collaboration with the International Maritime Organization