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Anatolian [disputed]


Abandonment ID: 00800
Ship name:Anatolian [disputed]
7-digit IMO no.:9005869
Port of abandonment:Uniye Anchorage, Türkiye
Abandonment date:20 September 2023
Notification date:25 September 2023
Reporting Member Govt. or Org.:ITF
No. of Seafarers:13
Nationalities:Azerbaijan(1); Egypt(1); India(10); Türkiye(1)
Circumstances:P&I : Arsenal Kyrgyzstan Insurance Company

Type : Passenger/Ro-Ro Ship (Vehicles)

Crew are owed between 2 and 10 months wages
Actions taken:21 June 2023: Flag State informed
Contacted owners, flag state and P&I club
Repatriation status:25 September 2023: Repatriation pending

23 July 2024: Other
On 17th April 2024, the second engineer of the ship returned home. There are currently 6 seafarers left on the ship.

14 August 2024: Other
There are currently 5 seafarers on the board. Two weeks ago, the ITF repatriated one Indian seafarer. The remaining 5 people do not want to leave the ship.
Payment status:25 September 2023: Payment Pending

23 July 2024: Payment Pending
Comments and Observations:Govt. of Egypt (13 November 2023)
1. the said vessel is detained due to financial issues
2. Egyptian seafarer had decided to stay on board till receiving all his wages

ITF (25 January 2024)
Legal process initiated to recover the outstanding wages. 2 seafarers left the vessel for health reasons but were forced to pay their own expenses. Local port authority are providing food to the crew

ITF (23 July 2024)
The provision needs of seafarers are still met by the shipyard. The court process regarding the sale of the ship continues. On 17th April 2024, the second engineer of the ship returned home. There are currently 6 seafarers left on the ship. We are in constant contact with them. They do not want to return to their country without receiving their money.

ITF (14 August 2024)
There are currently 5 seafarers on the board. Two weeks ago, the ITF repatriated one Indian seafarer. The remaining 5 people do not want to leave the ship. The court process for the sale of the ship continues.

Last updated: Wednesday - 21 August 2024 at 13:25:20^ top

In collaboration with the International Maritime Organization