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Galilean 77 [Inactive]


Abandonment ID: 00749
Ship name:Galilean 77 [Inactive]
Flag:St. Kitts & Nevis
7-digit IMO no.:8820298
Port of abandonment:Lagos, Nigeria
Abandonment date:30 March 2023
Notification date:5 April 2023
Reporting Member Govt. or Org.:ITF
No. of Seafarers:10
Nationalities:Indonesia(4); Ghana(2); Philippines(4)
Circumstances:P&I : MS Amlin Insurance

Type : Chemical/Products Tanker

Vessel anchored out in Lagos, Nigeria for some considerable amount of time, crew members unpaid. Several seafarers have requested to be repatriated, but there are no immediate plans for that to happen anytime soon. The crew have lost power on several occasions, the air conditioning has stopped working, and they no longer have adequate
Actions taken:5 April 2023: Flag State informed
Contacted the owners and flag state
Repatriation status:5 April 2023: Repatriation pending
Some crew members have requested repatriation
Payment status:5 April 2023: Payment Pending
US$40,000 approx
Comments and Observations:ITF (9 April 2024)
The ITF has had no contact with the crew and the vessel is now operating again after a long period of inactivity.

Last updated: Wednesday - 10 April 2024 at 15:21:24^ top

In collaboration with the International Maritime Organization