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HL HANNA [Inactive]


Abandonment ID: 00643
Nom du navire:HL HANNA [Inactive]
No. OMI (7 chiffres):9252826
Port d'abandon:Bandar Abbas, Iran
Date d'abandon:1 mars 2022
Date de notification:4 mai 2022
Gouvernement ou entité rapportante:Fed. int. des ouvriers du transport (ITF)
Nombre de marins:16
Nationalités:Iran, République islamique d'(16)
Circonstances:P&I : Unknown

16 crew stranded on board since 16th December 2020.
No provisions on board, the crew inform that they are
buying their needs themselves.
Blackout, engine only run for 2 hours per day
Cooking using gas canisters on board.
Crew unpaid up to 16 months. Some of them unpaid for
between 6 to 12 months.
Actions entreprises:8 mars 2022: L'Etat du Pavillon à été informé
Contacted the owners, flag state, Iranian port and maritime.
We have also informed the local ITF affiliate and contacts
and an Iranian lawyer.
Situation concernant le rapatriement:4 mai 2022: En attente de rapatriement
Paiement des salaires:4 mai 2022: En attente de paiement
The total wages outstanding is US$384,800.

Commentaires et observations:Gouv. de Panama (26 août 2022)
On July 12, 2022, the Flag Inspection was carried out.
Through Email dated August 9th, 2022, and August 14th, 2022, and Captain of the vessel informed us there are legal proceedings ongoing locally from the crew and also from a bank (mortgagees).
Also, the Captain of the vessel informed that sale experts attended on board to evaluate the vessel. There is a judge verdict that benefits all crew, including all current crew and I I crew that worked before in the vessel "HL HANNA".
Due to judge's ruling in Court, the previous representative owners rovides all necessar re uirements for crew and vessel. He a s all costs of provisions, water, medical, transportation, repairs and workshop.

Gouv. de Panama (17 janvier 2023)
Through email dated December 14th, 2022 -The captain M. Samienejad I info1m the following: "The auction was held twice, but unfortunately, the vessel was not sold due to the intervention of the previous agent and he no longer provides provisions and some crew, due to the difficult conditions, left the vessel and only 3 people are on board, we are trying to take the judge's decision for the third time to sell the ship for scrap''. Through email dated December 25th, 2022- Michael Wilson (P&l) I inform the following: We can confirm that we followed up on this maller further with local correspondents who have reported as follows:
First of all, I must apologize for the delay in responding as we were unable to reach the Captain on his cell phone number, so our local otlice Mr. .lahanbakh had to get another permit to board the ship. boat. He managed to sort it out and boarded the ship yesterday at noon when be met the chief officer and reported the following: the crew members were on board similar to the previous time and the same local agent is still providing them with the provision and other matters of the crew in with the unders1,mding that the court will reimburse them the proceeds of the sale of the ship.
The latest update on the legal aspect of the case is that the boat was auctioned twice at the initial price of USO 5.3 million, but no buyer was found, so both attempts were unsuccessful.
According to the C/0 of the ship, the date of the third auction (with a slightly reduced price) will be determined by the court and will probably take place soon. The boat is still in the same shipyard and obviously the cost of the corresponding stay has not yet been paid, but his intention is to settle I deduct it from the proceeds of the sale of the boat once the court sells it at auction.
On quote
The crew will remain on board and will earn all of their outstanding wages from the sale of the vessel. They continue to receive all food and supplies from local agents who will also be reimbursed from the sale of the boat.

Fed. int. des ouvriers du transport (ITF) (17 mars 2023)
Still in the court process. 6 crew remain on board and report difficult living conditions and minimum provisions. Rest of the crew disembarked and waiting for the court decision

Gouv. de Panama (19 juillet 2023)
In response to the labour complaint filed against the vessel “HL HANNA”, with IMO 9252826, please find the latest communications: -Through email dated July 1, 2023, Captain of the vessel informed us the following:
“All crew disagreed for any repatriation without any salary, let me to know some contact information about bank debt of this ship.we need to communicate & notify mentioned bank about it's debt, kindly dispatch contact information of bank".

Gouv. de Panama (20 mars 2024)
In response to the labor complaint filed against the vessel HL HANNA with IMO 9252826 , you will find the latest communications:
By email dated January 24, 2024 - (P&I)
"To follow up on the below, we have been advised by our local correspondents that the situation remains unchanged for the time being. There have been no developments regarding the auction of the vessel.
Our local correspondents shall continue to monitor the situation and keep us informed of any changes. We shall keep you posted of developments"

Fed. int. des ouvriers du transport (ITF) (13 juin 2024)
The seafarers appointed a lawyer to take the case to court. The ITF is not part of that appointment, and we were only made aware after the lawyer was appointed.

Dernière mise à jour: vendredi - 14 juin 2024 a 18:17:25^ top

En collaboration avec l'Organisation Maritime Internationale