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Cuteta - fishing vessel


Abandonment ID: 00591
Nombre del buque:Cuteta - fishing vessel
No. OMI:8605935
Puerto de abandono:Dakar, Senegal
Fecha de abandono:18 Noviembre 2021
Fecha de notificación:30 Noviembre 2021
Reporting Member Govt. or Org.:Fed. Int. de los Trabajadores del Trasporte (ITF)
No. de marinos:35
Nacionalidades:Cabo Verde; Cuba; Angola ; Guinea-Bissau
Circunstancias:P&I: unknown

Fishing vessel

The crew have not received their salaries since January 2021.
Acciones tomadas:25 Noviembre 2021: Flag State informed

Contacted flag state authority and the owner.
Comentarios y observaciones:International Chamber of Shipping (15 Noviembre 2022)
I had the chat with my Angolan contacts. According to them, the Cuteta (fishing vessel) case has been ‘partially’ resolved with part of the wages having been paid. The shipowners apparently came to some sort of agreement with the seafarers to continue to work so they can be paid and they apparently accepted this arrangement. Based on this arrangement between the shipowner and the seafarers concerned, Angola seems to have deemed this issue as resolved.

Entered: Jueves - 30 Diciembre 2021 19:49:55
Última actualización: Martes - 15 Noviembre 2022 12:51:21
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En colaboración con la Organización Marítima Internacional