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Assos [disputed]


Abandonment ID: 01090
Ship name:Assos [disputed]
7-digit IMO no.:9544712
Port of abandonment:Skagen, Denmark
Abandonment date:9 August 2024
Notification date:1 October 2024
Reporting Member Govt. or Org.:ITF
No. of Seafarers:1
Circumstances:Vessel type: Bulk Carrier

P&I/Financial security insurer: Sveriges Anfarkys Assurans Forening (Swedish Club)

Seafarer departed vessel with flights that had already been cancelled, and then had to pay for his own flights home
Actions taken:27 August 2024: Flag State informed
Contacted company multiple times with flag state and Paris MOU in copy due to trading area and other reported issues onboard. Company refusing outright to resolve and used intimidating language in phone conversation threatening seafarer with repercussions if persisted.
Repatriation status:1 October 2024: Repatriated
Payment status:1 October 2024: Payment Pending
Owed Repatriation costs US$1,003.50
Comments and Observations:ITF (1 October 2024)
Seafarer reported multiple manning issues, provision issues and general condition of the vessel – all poor/below standard.

Govt. of Romania (9 October 2024)
by Romanian Naval Authority

Related to the subject vessel, kindly note that we do not have any information related to Romanian seafarer, nor any complaint has been received until now by the Romanian Naval Authority.

Govt. of Denmark (15 October 2024)
By Danish Maritime Authority

The Danish Maritime Authority has now investigated into the matter.

We understand that the seafarer was abandoned in the port of Skagen, Denmark on August 9th 2024 and first repatriated on October 1st 2024. The vessel in question, IMO 9544712 ASSOS is flying the flag of Panama. The P&I / Financial security insurer is the Swedish Club (Sveriges Anfarkys Assurans Forening).

We furthermore understand that the flag state was informed on August 27th 2024 by the seafarer himself.

The conclusion from our investigation is that we have no knowledge of the abandonment case and have not been involved in the matter. We have not received any notification from either ITF, the vessel, the seafarer himself or any other relevant parties.

In general, if a foreign citizen are abandoned in Denmark without the proper visa or resident/work permit, this will constitute a violation of the Danish legislation and a matter for the Danish Police.
In addition, the Danish Maritime Authority (DMA) can assist the seafarer with contact to the Ship Owners MLC insurance company, who should be able to assist with the repatriation financed by the mandatory MLC insurance policy (financial security for repatriation).

In case of seafarers who are not covered by this mandatory insurance due to the Ship Owners violation and are abandoned in Denmark, the DMA may assist with the repatriation and coverage of on board expenses to food and water, electricity, heat, communication, hygiene etc. until the repatriation can be commenced.

If we had received a notification on the abandonment, we would have been able to assist the seafarer as described above.

Other (16 October 2024)
By International Group of P&I Clubs

In reference to the case below regarding the reported abandonment of a seafarer on board the MV ASSOS, IMO No: 9544712. The Swedish Club, as the insurer have been contacted and I can report the following:

Payment to crew member made by The Swedish Club: 4 October 2024.

The case concerned a crew member that had been reimbursed for flight tickets the crew member had to buy following non-purchase by the owner.

The Swedish Club was contacted by the ITF on 1 October 2024. An investigation was immediately conducted. The crew member was contacted to obtain relevant bank details for transfer. Upon receiving the bank details, The Swedish Club proceeded to make a payment on 4 October 2024. Total handling time from initial notification to payment was 3 days.

I would kindly request that this information is recorded on the database and marked as resolved, subject to ITF confirmation.

Last updated: Thursday - 17 October 2024 at 08:32:28^ top

In collaboration with the International Maritime Organization