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Sea Prince [disputed]


Abandonment ID: 01070
Nombre del buque:Sea Prince [disputed]
Bandera:Santo Tome y Principe
No. OMI:7112357
Puerto de abandono:Colon, Panama
Fecha de abandono:1 Agosto 2024
Fecha de notificación:27 Agosto 2024
Reporting Member Govt. or Org.:Fed. Int. de los Trabajadores del Trasporte (ITF)
No. de marinos:3
Nacionalidades:Colombia(1); Costa Rica(1); Perú(1)
Circunstancias:Financial Security Provider: Unknown

Type : Supply Tender

Vessel has had no fuel for several weeks. The crew are owed more than 2 months wages. They are cooking on the deck. Some other crew members already left the vessel due poor living conditions and non-payment of wages.

Acciones tomadas:19 Agosto 2024: Flag State informed
Contacted the owners, managers and flag state
Estado de la repatriación:27 Agosto 2024: Repatriation pending
Contacted the owners, managers and flag state

12 Septiembre 2024: Other
One of the 3 crew members on board was repatriated to Peru after a payment agreement was arranged with him. Other 2 crew members remain on board.
Estado del pago:27 Agosto 2024: Payment Pending
One of the 3 crew members on board was repatriated to Peru after a payment agreement was arranged with him. Company has not confirmed any payment or arrangement with other crew members. The Cook who suffered burn injuries during accident on late May, remains receiving medical treatment but has received no information from the company on when he will receive his 6 months owed wages.

12 Septiembre 2024: Partially paid
Comentarios y observaciones:Fed. Int. de los Trabajadores del Trasporte (ITF) (27 Agosto 2024)
Vessel had been inspected already some time ago by local PSC authorities. However, living conditions have not improved.

Panamá (3 Septiembre 2024)
In response to your inquiry, I kindly confirm that the vessel SEA PRINCES, does not belong to the Panamanian Ship Registry.

We regret what happened to the ship's crew but, as per Article 94 of the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea, 1982, the Republic of Panama does not currently have administrative, technical or social responsibilities over the ship; we have no legal link with the shipowner.

We are closely following the case in our Department such as that of Navigation and Maritime Safety through Inspections and contact with the Flag State.

I you have any other inquiries don't hesitate in contact us.

Fed. Int. de los Trabajadores del Trasporte (ITF) (12 Septiembre 2024)
One of the 3 crew members on board was repatriated to Peru after a payment agreement was arranged with him. Other 2 crew members remain on board. Company has not confirmed any payment or arrangement with other crew members. The Cook who suffered burn injuries during accident on late May, remains receiving medical treatment but has received no information from the company on when he will receive his 6 months owed wages.

Entered: Viernes - 13 Septiembre 2024 17:22:44
Última actualización: Viernes - 13 Septiembre 2024 17:26:09
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