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Alano [disputed]


Abandonment ID: 01042
Nombre del buque:Alano [disputed]
No. OMI:8626551
Puerto de abandono:An-ping, Taiwan
Fecha de abandono:29 Junio 2024
Fecha de notificación:25 Julio 2024
Reporting Member Govt. or Org.:Fed. Int. de los Trabajadores del Trasporte (ITF)
No. de marinos:9
Circunstancias:Financial Security Provider: Unknown

Type: General Cargo

Outstanding wages of 3 months and a lack of food and water
Acciones tomadas:23 Julio 2024: Flag State informed
Contacted owners, flag state, Port state, NCSU
Estado de la repatriación:25 Julio 2024: Repatriation pending

1 Septiembre 2024: Repatriated
Estado del pago:25 Julio 2024: Payment Pending

12 Septiembre 2024: Payment Pending
Comentarios y observaciones:Organisación Marítima Internacional (30 Julio 2024)
The vessel is the following General Cargo Ship ‘ALANO’, IMO Number 8626551, however, the only corresponding name of a vessel with this identical IMO Number on IMO GISIS is: ‘XIANG TONG’, flag: UNKNOWN

Otro (31 Julio 2024)
From S&P Global Market Intelligence

Originally on 23rd July we were advised by Togo that this vessel was flying their flag fraudulently.
The IMO number they quoted on their correspondence gave the IMO number as 8626651 which we advised them was an invalid IMO number.
Yesterday we received from Togo copy of fake registration certificate.
This gave the IMO as 8626551.
The certificate shows date of registration as 21st November 2023 with previous flag given as Cambodia.
We showed this vessel under Cambodia flag but it was deleted from their flag in 2011.
Since this date vessel has had no flag. No AIS transmissions and no PSC inspection since November 2010.
We have attached copy of fake certificate.
We know Cambodia ceased to operate an international ship registry at least 4/5 years ago which again confirms this fraudulent registration.

We updated our records to show vessel under FALSE Togo flag with effect from November 2023.

Otro (6 Agosto 2024)
From S&P Global Market Intelligence

I can confirm we have updated name to ALANO under Togo False flag.
False Togo flag effective November 2023.

Fed. Int. de los Trabajadores del Trasporte (ITF) (12 Septiembre 2024)
All crew were repatriated on 1st September 2024.

Their wages remain unpaid.

Entered: Viernes - 13 Septiembre 2024 16:28:41
Última actualización: Viernes - 13 Septiembre 2024 16:32:12
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En colaboración con la Organización Marítima Internacional