Information System on International Labour Standards

Suites données aux recommandations du comité et du Conseil d’administration - Rapport No. 355, Novembre 2009

Cas no 2506 (Grèce) - Date de la plainte: 12-JUIL.-06 - Clos

Afficher en : Francais - Espagnol

Effect given to the recommendations of the Committee and the Governing Body

Effect given to the recommendations of the Committee and the Governing Body
  1. 89. The Committee last examined this case, which concerns a “civil mobilization order” (requisition of workers’ services) of indefinite duration which put an end to a legal strike of seafarers on passenger ships and cargo vessels, at its March 2009 meeting [see 353rd Report, paras 96–103].
  2. 90. On that occasion, the Committee noted from the Government’s reply that the issue of minimum services would be addressed, in the event of a general strike in the maritime transport sector, from the time of notification of a strike to its actual staging, given the difficulty of predicting the extent of the minimum service, which largely depends on the time of year and other factors. The Committee requested to be kept informed of developments in that regard, and recommended setting up an independent authority to review whether the preconditions for the application of the provisions of section 41 of Act No. 3536/2007 are met.
  3. 91. In a communication dated 2 June 2009, the Government reiterates its concern to maintain industrial peace, especially in the maritime sector. It recalls that, as regards minimum services, the Committee’s recommendations and their application (regarding the number of crossings per day), it is worth emphasizing that the particular shipping lines that link the mainland and the islands use only one route. As a result there are many reservations regarding the application of the recommendations in practice and the manageability of problems if they arise.
  4. 92. The Government also highlights that the Minister of the Merchant Fleet (as well as the country’s general Aegean and island policy) takes the Committee’s recommendations into account and seeks to attain and preserve industrial peace in the maritime transport sector, collaborating closely with the different social partners in order to do so. This is borne out by the current state of industrial peace. The Government of Greece once again declares its willingness to resolve the problems that exist through cooperation and consultation with the social partners in the maritime transport sector. These problems can thus be resolved in a manner consistent with the country’s capacities and obligations.
  5. 93. The Committee takes due note of the Government’s reply, and expects that it will persist in its efforts to seek solutions consistent with the principles of freedom of association to the social conflicts in the maritime transport sector.
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