Information System on International Labour Standards

Suites données aux recommandations du comité et du Conseil d’administration - Rapport No. 332, Novembre 2003

Cas no 2171 (Suède) - Date de la plainte: 20-NOV. -01 - Clos

Afficher en : Francais - Espagnol

Effect given to the recommendations of the Committee and the Governing Body

Effect given to the recommendations of the Committee and the Governing Body
  1. 163. At its March 2003 session, the Committee examined this case, which concerns a statutory amendment enabling workers to remain employed until the age of 67 and prohibiting negotiated clauses on compulsory early retirement. The Committee requested the Government to take appropriate remedial measures so that agreements already negotiated on compulsory retirement age would continue to produce all their effects until their expiry date, invited the Government to resume thorough consultations on pension issues with all parties concerned with a view to finding a solution that would not impede the right to bargain collectively, and requested to be kept informed of developments [see 330th Report, para. 1053].
  2. 164. In a communication of 26 May 2003, the Government indicated that it held a meeting on 14 May 2003 with the implementation group, which includes representatives from the five parliamentary political parties that endorse the agreement on a new pensions system. The Government had also invited the bargaining partners to a meeting on 12 June 2003.
  3. 165. The Committee notes this information and once again requests the Government to take remedial action so that collective agreements already negotiated on pension matters continue to produce all their effects until their expiry dates. It requests the Government to keep it informed of the results of the thorough consultations with the bargaining partners on pension issues held with a view to finding a solution that will be in conformity with the Conventions on freedom of association ratified by Sweden.
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