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Demande directe (CEACR) - adoptée 2014, publiée 104ème session CIT (2015)

Convention (n° 155) sur la sécurité et la santé des travailleurs, 1981 - Venezuela (République bolivarienne du) (Ratification: 1984)

Afficher en : Francais - EspagnolTout voir

Referring to its observation, the Committee wishes to raise the following additional points.
Article 6 of the Convention. Functions and responsibilities. Article 15. Coordination. In its previous comments, the Committee requested the Government to indicate whether the National Council for Occupational Safety and Health, established by section 36 of the Basic Act on prevention, working conditions and the working environment (LOPCYMAT), is operating and to provide information on the aspects and bodies governed by the LOPCYMAT that are functioning in practice, and those which are still not functioning, as well as on the Government’s plans for the implementation of the Act as a whole. The Committee notes the Government’s indication that the National Institute for Occupational Prevention, Health and Safety (INPSASEL), the National Institute for Worker Training and Recreation (INCRET), the Social Security Treasury and the Information, Documentation and Training Centre (CIDCA) are operational. Noting that the Government has not provided the requested information on the National Council for Occupational Safety and Health, the Committee once again requests the Government to indicate whether the National Council for Occupational Safety and Health is operating, its composition and activities, and the Government’s plans for the implementation of the Act as a whole.
Article 11(e.) Annual publication of information on occupational accidents, occupational diseases and other matters. In its previous comments, the Committee requested the Government to indicate the trends in occupational accidents by sector and the measures adopted or envisaged to deal with them, including the situation in Petróleos de Venezuela (PDVSA). The Committee notes the Government’s indication that the economic sectors with the highest occupational accident rates are manufacturing, commerce and services, construction, mining and quarries, agriculture, and social and health services, and that INPSASEL is engaged in monitoring working conditions and the working environment in accordance with reported morbidity and accident rates, organizing training and a multidisciplinary preventive approach to identifying hazardous processes and developing a remedial and preventive workplan. The Committee requests the Government to indicate whether the accident rates in the sectors referred to above are based on the annual information published in accordance with Article 11(e) of the Convention, and to provide statistical data on this subject. Also noting that the Government has not provided the information requested on the PDVSA, the Committee reiterates its request for information.
Other issues. Article 5(a)–(d). Spheres of action to be taken into account in the national policy. Article 11(a) and (b). Functions to be covered by the national policy. Article 12. Obligations of persons who design, manufacture, import, provide or transfer machinery, equipment or substances for occupational use. Noting that the Government has not provided information in its report on the application of these Articles, the Committee requests the Government to provide information on these subjects.
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