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Demande directe (CEACR) - adoptée 2011, publiée 101ème session CIT (2012)

Convention (n° 159) sur la réadaptation professionnelle et l'emploi des personnes handicapées, 1983 - Macédoine du Nord (Ratification: 1991)

Autre commentaire sur C159

Demande directe
  1. 2020
  2. 2019
  3. 2015
  4. 2011

Afficher en : Francais - EspagnolTout voir

The Committee notes the Government’s first report on the application of the Convention received in September 2010. It notes that the Law on Employment of Persons with Disabilities provides for measures to promote vocational rehabilitation and employment of persons with disabilities. The Government indicates that these measures are available to persons with disabilities who are registered at the Employment Service Agency (ESA). The Committee invites the Government to provide in its next report statistics and relevant data, as much as possible disaggregated by age, gender and nature of the disability, as well as extracts of reports, studies and inquiries concerning the impact of the measures implemented by the Employment Service Agency targeting persons with disabilities (Part V of the report form).
Articles 2, 3 and 4, of the Convention. Formulation of a national policy for the vocational rehabilitation and employment of persons with disabilities. The Committee notes from the Government’s report that no policy appears to have been adopted on vocational rehabilitation and employment of persons with disabilities. The Committee recalls that Articles 2, 3 and 4 of the Convention provide that Members shall, in accordance with national conditions, formulate, implement and periodically review, a national policy on vocational rehabilitation and employment of persons with disabilities, which shall aim at promoting employment opportunities for these persons in the open labour market and be based on the principle of equal opportunity between persons with disabilities, whether men or women, and workers generally. The Committee invites the Government to indicate in its next report the measures taken to adopt a national policy on vocational rehabilitation and employment of persons with disabilities. It further requests the Government to provide information on the manner in which employment opportunities for persons with disabilities are promoted in the open labour market, as well as on any special positive measures aimed at effective equality of opportunity and treatment between persons with disabilities, whether men or women, and other workers. Please also indicate the manner in which persons with disabilities who are not registered at the Employment Service Agency are afforded the protection provided by the Convention.
Article 5. Consultation of the representative organizations. The Committee requests the Government to provide information on the manner in which representative employers’ and workers’ organizations, and representative organizations of and for persons with disabilities are consulted on the implementation of the policy on vocational rehabilitation and employment of persons with disabilities, including the measures taken to promote cooperation and coordination between the public and private bodies engaged in vocational rehabilitation activities.
Article 7. Services accessible to persons with disabilities. The Government indicates that vocational rehabilitation for persons with disabilities may be organized by the ESA for employers or undertakings under special programmes. The Committee invites the Government to provide further information on the services available to persons with disabilities to secure, retain and advance in employment.
Article 8. Vocational rehabilitation and employment services in rural areas and remote communities. The Government indicates that vocational rehabilitation measures are implemented throughout the country by the ESA through its central office and 30 employment centres. The Committee invites the Government to include in its next report further information on the vocational rehabilitation and employment services available to persons with disabilities particularly in rural areas and remote communities.
Article 9. Training of staff responsible for persons with disabilities. The Government indicates that the ESA, the Ministry of Labour and Social Policy and the Ministry of Education and Science are in charge of the development and strengthening of human resources in the field of vocational guidance and rehabilitation of persons with disabilities. The Committee requests the Government to indicate in its next report the measures taken to ensure that the skills of vocational rehabilitation staff are adequate for the purposes of the Convention.
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