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Demande directe (CEACR) - adoptée 2005, publiée 95ème session CIT (2006)

Convention (n° 98) sur le droit d'organisation et de négociation collective, 1949 - Erythrée (Ratification: 2000)

Autre commentaire sur C098

Demande directe
  1. 2021
  2. 2005
  3. 2004
  4. 2003
  5. 2002

Afficher en : Francais - EspagnolTout voir

The Committee notes that, according to the Government’s report, consultation is under way with the stakeholders regarding the questions raised in relation with the Convention.

Articles 1 and 2 of the Convention. 1. In its previous comments, the Committee had requested the Government to take the necessary steps to amend section 23 of the Labour Proclamation, which protects workers against dismissal linked with trade union membership or trade union activities, so as to broaden the protection, and guarantee workers’ protection against acts of anti-union discrimination at the time of recruitment and in relation to other acts of anti-union discrimination during the course of employment (transfers, relocations, demotions, etc.). The Committee once again requests the Government to take the necessary steps to amend the legislation and to keep it informed in this regard.

2. The Committee had further requested the Government to take the necessary measures to provide for stronger sanctions in the case of anti-union discrimination or acts of interference, as it considered a fine of 1,200 nafka, set out in section 156(3) of the Labour Proclamation, which refers to section 118, did not afford adequate protection. The Committee had noted the Government’s previous information that section 156 of the Labour Proclamation involves only petty offences and when the offence becomes severe, the penalty will be increased. The Government had pointed out that whenever the offence becomes severe or repeated, the provisions of the Transitional Penal Code become applicable, as section 691 of the Penal Code states that a person commits a petty offence when he infringes the mandatory or prohibitory provisions of a regulation, order or decree lawfully issued by a competent authority and such infringement is subject to one of the penalties.

Recalling that the existence of general legislative provisions prohibiting acts of anti-union discrimination is not enough, if they are not accompanied by effective and rapid procedures to ensure their application in practice (see General Survey, op. cit., paragraph 214), the Committee requests the Government to provide further information concerning the cases, means and method by which an offence is deemed to become severe, and so attracts higher penalties. The Committee further requests the Government to indicate in its next report whether by referring solely to breaches by employers’ associations, section 156 of the Proclamation only provides for sanctions against employers’ organizations and not against individual employers who may or may not be members of organizations.

Articles 1, 2, 4 and 6. 1. In its previous comments, the Committee had requested the Government to indicate whether domestic employees enjoy trade union rights, given that section 40 of the Labour Proclamation entitled the Minister to determine which provisions of the Proclamation would apply to those workers. The Committee had noted in a previous report the Government’s clarification that the Ministry of Labour and Human Welfare does not have any intention of excluding domestic employees from their rights to organize and collectively bargain and that the Ministry will not refrain from including the rights mentioned in the Convention in the upcoming regulation. The Committee expresses the strong hope that the Ministry will issue a regulation in the nearest future that ensures that domestic employees are entitled to exercise their trade union rights guaranteed under Conventions Nos. 87 and 98, and requests to be provided with a copy of the regulation upon its issuance.

2. The Committee had further requested the Government to ensure that public servants not engaged in the administration of the State benefit from the guarantees of the Convention, in particular through legal provisions, such as the draft Civil Service Code, and had requested the Government to provide a copy of the draft Code, to inform it on its status, and to transmit a copy of it once it was adopted. The Committee had noted the information provided by the Government that the draft Civil Service Proclamation granted civil servants the right to organize and that the Civil Service Administration had been working on the draft Civil Service Proclamation through a process of participation and interaction, and relevant and salient comments of the participants were integrated in the final draft. The Committee regrets to note that the Government has neither provided it with a copy of the final draft of the Proclamation, nor has it indicated its progress in the legislative system, and accordingly repeats its previous request to the Government to ensure that public servants not engaged in the administration of the State benefit from the guarantees of the Convention, and to keep it informed in this regard. In particular, the Committee requests the Government to provide specific information concerning the status of the draft Civil Service Proclamation and to transmit a copy of the draft, as well as any enacted Proclamation.

The Committee hopes that the consultations referred to by the Government will open the way to a better application of the Convention on all the matters raised in the direct request.

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