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Demande directe (CEACR) - adoptée 2002, publiée 91ème session CIT (2003)

Convention (n° 81) sur l'inspection du travail, 1947 - Croatie (Ratification: 1991)

Autre commentaire sur C081

Afficher en : Francais - EspagnolTout voir

With reference to its previous comments, the Committee notes the Government’s reports and the information concerning the observations made in 1998 by the Union of Autonomous Trade Unions of Croatia (UATUC) on the application of Articles 5; 7, paragraph 3; 10; 17 and 18, of the Convention. It also notes the appended legal texts and the annual activity reports of the labour inspectorate. In this connection it notes in particular that the labour inspectorate is not responsible for the inspection of shipping and mining companies, which come under the maritime inspectorate and the inspectorate of the Ministry of the Interior respectively.

The Committee notes that in July 1999 a new national inspection law was adopted, many provisions of which give effect to the Convention. So that the Committee may ascertain developments in the extent to which the Convention is applied, the Government is asked to provide with its next report copies of the Decree on the internal organization of the national inspectorate, its rules of procedure and copies of the texts to implement sections 56 and 57(2) of the abovementioned law provided for in section 78.

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