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Demande directe (CEACR) - adoptée 1995, publiée 83ème session CIT (1996)

Convention (n° 98) sur le droit d'organisation et de négociation collective, 1949 - Bulgarie (Ratification: 1959)

Autre commentaire sur C098

Demande directe
  1. 2006
  2. 2005
  3. 2004
  4. 2003
  5. 2001
  6. 1996
  7. 1995

Afficher en : Francais - EspagnolTout voir

The Committee notes that the Government's report has not been received. It hopes that a report will be supplied for examination by the Committee at its next session and that it will contain full information on the matters raised in its previous direct request, which read as follows:

The Committee notes the promulgation of a partial reform (the Act of November 1992) of the 1987 Labour Code, which contains certain provisions on freedom of association and collective bargaining.

Article 6. In this connection, the Committee asks the Government to state whether the provisions of the Code apply to public employees and officials or whether this category is covered by special regulations.

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