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Demande directe (CEACR) - adoptée 1993, publiée 80ème session CIT (1993)

Convention (n° 111) concernant la discrimination (emploi et profession), 1958 - Nouvelle-Calédonie

Autre commentaire sur C111

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Further to its previous direct request, the Committee notes the information supplied by the Government in its report and the various texts concerning measures to apply the policy for the training and social and occupational integration of young people.

1. The Committee notes that, according to the Government, as a result of the application of point No. 6 of the Matignon Agreements, signed on 26 June 1988, under which the imbalances in recruitment for the public service are to be redressed, greater account is taken of the ethnic diversity of the territory. It also notes that the programme "400 CADRES" aims to restore ethnic balance in the distribution of responsibilities in the territory. Lastly, it notes that the local missions for the integration of young people, defined in Act No. 89-905 of 19 December 1989, are implementing various measures to improve job seekers' access or return to employment and vocational training. The Committee refers to paragraph 247 of its 1988 General Survey on Equality in Employment and Occupation, and would be grateful if in its next report the Government would provide more detailed statistics of the distribution by sex and, if possible, by ethnic group, of persons who have already benefited from the programme "400 CADRES", from training in the various training centres and establishments and from the measures concerning training and social and occupational integration, including occupational integration contracts and adaptation period contracts.

2. It would also appreciate receiving statistics on the number of staff in the public service, public bodies and private enterprises, disaggregated, if possible, by sex, ethnic group, occupational category and sector. In this connection, it asks the Government to provide information on the specific measures taken to promote women's access to training, employment and posts of responsibility, and the results obtained.

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