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Observation (CEACR) - adoptée 1991, publiée 78ème session CIT (1991)

Convention (n° 77) sur l'examen médical des adolescents (industrie), 1946 - République dominicaine (Ratification: 1973)

Autre commentaire sur C077

Demande directe
  1. 2012

Afficher en : Francais - EspagnolTout voir

In comments made for a number of years, the Committee has drawn the Government's attention to the absence of legislation or specific regulations providing for the full application of the following provisions of the Convention:

Article 2, paragraphs 1 and 4 (thorough medical examination for employment and specification of the authority competent to issue the document certifying fitness for employment); Article 3 (medical supervision up to the age of 18 years); Article 4 (annual medical examination up to the age of 21 years in occupations that involve high health risks); Article 6 (vocational guidance, physical and vocational rehabilitation of children and young persons found by medical examination to have physical handicaps or limitations); Article 7 (supervisory measures for ensuring the strict enforcement of the Convention).

In its report for the period ending 30 June 1980 the Government indicated that the Ministry of Labour had started to prepare a preliminary draft regulation under the chapter of the Labour Code concerning the work of young persons. In its report for 1985 it stated that the elaboration of a draft Code for minors was in progress.

In its latest reports, the Government continued to state its intention to give effect to the provisions of the Convention. With this view, it has adopted a Code for minors and a regulation under Book IV, Chapter 2, of the Labour Code, and indicated that the respective draft and preliminary draft were being evaluated by the persons responsible for labour questions. The Committee notes with regret that no progress has been made up to now.

The Committee again expresses the hope that the Government will make every possible effort so as not to delay the adoption of the necessary measures to give effect to the above-mentioned provision of the Convention. It also requests the Government to indicate the decisions taken under Article 1, paragraph 3 (definition of the line of division which separates industry from agriculture, commerce and other non-industrial occupations), and provide, when available, extracts of reports of the labour inspection services containing statistical data on the number and nature of violations recorded.

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