Information System on International Labour Standards

- Decisiones nacionales

Article II(3) Cuando, a los efectos del presente Convenio, haya dudas sobre la condición de gente de mar de alguna categoría de personas, la cuestión será resuelta por la autoridad competente de cada Miembro, previa consulta con las organizaciones de armadores y de gente de mar interesadas.
By Marine Notice MLC-001, Rev. 01/14, issued by the Liberian Maritime Authority concerning Implementation, Inspections and Certification under the Maritime Labour Convention (MLC), 2006, the Liberia Administration considers that the following persons will not generally be considered as seafarers for the purpose of the MLC, 2006: - Professional Pilots; - Port Workers; - Guest entertainers; - Ship Inspectors/Surveyors; - Ship Superintendents; - Repair and maintenance technicians; and - Temporary riding crew such as Suez Canal crew. Cadets and Trainees enrolled in a maritime university and sent on board to complete the sea time required for graduation, may upon application and satisfactory review of their contractual or similar arrangements, be exempted from Regulations 1.4 (Recruitment and placement); 2.1 (Seafarers’ employment agreements); 2.2 (Wages); 4.2 (Shipowners’ liability); 4.5 (Social Security); and Standards A 2.4 (Entitlement to leave); and A 2.5.2(b) of the Convention.
Article II(5) Cuando haya dudas en cuanto a si el presente Convenio se aplica a un buque o a una categoría particular de buques, la cuestión será resuelta por la autoridad competente de cada Miembro, previa consulta con las organizaciones de armadores y de gente de mar interesadas.
By Marine Notice MLC-001, Rev. 01/14, issued by the Liberian Maritime Authority concerning Implementation, Inspections and Certification under the Maritime Labour Convention (MLC), 2006, the Liberian Administration has decided for the present time The Liberian Administration has decided not to apply the provisions of MLC, 2006 to Mobile Offshore Drilling Units (MODU), whose primary service is drilling operations for the exploration, exploitation, production of resources beneath the sea-bed and are not normally engaged in navigation or international voyages. The Liberian Administration has also decided not to apply the provisions of MLC to Floating Production, Storage and Offloading facilities (FPSOs), Floating Storage Units (FSUs), and Self-Elevating Liftboats, whose primary service is neither underway nor engaged in an international voyage. Application of MLC to Mobile Offshore Accommodation Units and other similar mobile offshore units, such as nonself-propelled barges, will be considered on a case by case basis.
Article II(6) Cuando la autoridad competente determine que no sería razonable o factible en el momento actual aplicar algunos elementos particulares del Código a que se refiere el artículo VI, párrafo 1, a un buque o ciertas categorías de buques que enarbolen el pabellón del Miembro, las disposiciones pertinentes del Código no serán aplicables siempre y cuando el tema de que se trate esté contemplado de manera diferente en la legislación nacional, en convenios colectivos o en otras medidas. Sólo podrá recurrirse a dicha posibilidad en consulta con las organizaciones de armadores y de gente de mar interesadas y únicamente respecto de buques con un arqueo bruto inferior a 200 que no efectúen viajes internacionales.
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