Information System on International Labour Standards

Seguimiento dado a las recomendaciones del Comité y del Consejo de Administración - Informe núm. 350, Junio 2008

Caso núm. 2330 (Honduras) - Fecha de presentación de la queja:: 09-MAR-04 - Cerrado

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Effect given to the recommendations of the Committee and the Governing Body

Effect given to the recommendations of the Committee and the Governing Body
  1. 95. At its meeting in March 2007, the Committee requested the Government to inform it of the outcome of the action relating to the fine of 500 lempiras imposed on the teachers’ organizations COPEMH and COPRUMH [see 344th Report, paras 85–87].
  2. 96. In its communication of 28 February 2008, the Government states, with regard to the proceedings relating to the imposition of fines on COPEMH and COPRUMH, that an appeal has been lodged against the decision reached by the Administrative Disputes Court, which declared inadmissible the action brought by the representative of the trade unions. The Government adds that the appeal is pending in the Supreme Court of Justice, which expects to issue its ruling at the end of May 2008.
  3. 97. The Committee takes note of this information and requests the Government to inform it of the ruling issued by the Supreme Court of Justice.
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