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27. The Committee last examined this case at its May 1967 Session, when it submitted to the Governing Body an interim report which is contained in paragraphs 213 to 230 of its 98th Report. The 98th Report of the Committee was approved by the Governing Body at its 169th Session (June 1967).

  1. 27. The Committee last examined this case at its May 1967 Session, when it submitted to the Governing Body an interim report which is contained in paragraphs 213 to 230 of its 98th Report. The 98th Report of the Committee was approved by the Governing Body at its 169th Session (June 1967).

A. A. The complainants' allegations

A. A. The complainants' allegations
  1. 28. The main allegation was that measures had been taken against the General Confederation of Labour of the Congo (C.G.T.C.) and in particular that several officers or active members of this Organisation had been arrested.
  2. 29. When it examined the case at its May 1967 Session, the Committee considered in addition to the observations submitted by the Government a communication from the C.G.T.C saying: " As a result of fresh developments in our relations with the national authorities, we have the honour to signify by the present letter the withdrawal of the complaint lodged with your organisation ".
  3. 30. Since, however, no further details were given, the Committee considered that it should recommend the Governing Body to request both the C.G.T.C and the Government to be good enough to specify what new developments had arisen in the relations between them.
  4. 31. The Committee also recommended the Governing Body to request the Government to be good enough to inform it whether the persons mentioned by name in the complaints had been liberated or whether they had been brought to trial.
  5. 32. The requests for further information mentioned in the two previous paragraphs were brought to the knowledge of the C.G.T.C and the Government by two letters dated 12 June 1967. The Government replied in a communication dated 19 December 1967.
  6. 33. In this communication the Government first states that the C.G.T.C has freely combined with the National Workers' Union of the Congo, which has been the national trade union since 25 June 1967.
  7. 34. It then states that the persons mentioned in the complaints are at liberty and have resumed their functions as trade unionists within the National Workers' Union of the Congo.

The Committee's recommendations

The Committee's recommendations
  1. 35. In these circumstances, since the situation mentioned in the complaints appears to have become normal and since the persons mentioned by the complainants seem to have recovered their freedom and to have resumed their trade union activities, the Committee considers that it would be pointless to proceed with the matter and recommends the Governing Body to decide that the case does not call for further examination on its part.
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