Information System on International Labour Standards

Solicitud directa (CEACR) - Adopción: 2012, Publicación: 102ª reunión CIT (2013)

Convenio sobre los certificados de competencia de pescadores, 1966 (núm. 125) - Senegal (Ratificación : 1968)

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Article 6(1) of the Convention. Minimum age for the issue of a certificate of competency. Further to its previous comment, the Committee notes that, in accordance with section 14 of Decree No. 2002-933 of 3 October 2002 respecting the issue of maritime vocational training certificates and the requirements to exercise functions on board commercial and fishing vessels, and pleasure boats manned by a crew, the minimum age to obtain a maritime vocational training certificate for an officer on board commercial and pleasure vessels is 20 years. It also notes that, under the terms of section 11 of the above Decree, the qualifications required for the principal operational and command functions on board fishing vessels are determined by decree following a report by the minister responsible for the merchant navy. The Committee requests the Government to indicate whether a decree implementing section 11 of Decree No. 2002-933 has been adopted and, if so, to provide a copy. The Government is also requested to indicate whether the minimum age of 20 years for the issue of maritime vocational certificates for command functions on board fishing vessels is also set at 20 years. Finally, the Committee notes the adoption of Decree No. 2009 240 of 26 March 2009 on the organization and operation of the National Maritime Training School and requests the Government to provide information on the training programmes provided by this school with a view to the issue of certificates for captains, mates and chief engineers on board fishing vessels.
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