Information System on International Labour Standards

Solicitud directa (CEACR) - Adopción: 2005, Publicación: 95ª reunión CIT (2006)

Convenio sobre la inspección del trabajo, 1947 (núm. 81) - Belarús (Ratificación : 1995)

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The Committee notes the Government’s report and the information provided in reply to its previous request, as well as Decree No. 694, of 29 May 2002, approving the regulations on state expert authorities respecting employment conditions, provided by the Government. It requests the Government to continue supplying detailed information on the application of the Convention, with particular reference to the following points.

1. Publication of an annual report. The Committee notes the report on the application of the labour legislation and the situation with regard to occupational safety in industry in 2003 which, it notes, contains the statistics required under Article 21 of the Convention. The Committee notes the indication that this report is published in the review "Occupational safety and social protection". It requests the Government to provide future editions of this publication which reproduces the annual report, in accordance with Article 20 of the Convention.

2. Human and other resources of the labour inspectorate. The Committee notes that the annual report mentions that there was a significant increase in spending on occupational safety in 2003. The Committee reminds the Government of its interest in receiving more detailed information on the public resources allocated for the operation of the inspection system. It requests the Government to supply more detailed information on all measures taken or envisaged to ensure that the salaries and employment conditions of labour inspectors are sufficiently attractive to ensure the recruitment and maintenance in the profession of competent staff enjoying the required independence (Articles 6 and 7 of the Convention), as well as furnishing the material resources necessary for the performance of their duties (Article 11).

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