Information System on International Labour Standards

Solicitud directa (CEACR) - Adopción: 2005, Publicación: 95ª reunión CIT (2006)

Convenio sobre estadísticas del trabajo, 1985 (núm. 160) - Italia (Ratificación : 1989)

Otros comentarios sobre C160

Solicitud directa
  1. 2015
  2. 2014
  3. 2010
  4. 2005
  5. 1999
  6. 1995
  7. 1994
  8. 1993

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The Committee notes the Government’s report and the information therein in reply to its previous request. It also notes the comment by the General Workers Union (UGL) transmitted by the Government and the Government’s reply. The Committee asks the Government to supply in its next report supplementary information concerning the following aspects of application of the Convention.

1. Consultation of representative organizations of employers and workers. Article 3 of the Convention. The Committee notes that, in the UGL’s opinion, the Government does not take account of the repeated criticisms made by the social partners regarding the method used for the compilation of consumer price indices. The organization considers in particular that, contrary to the prescriptions of Article 13 of the Convention, the basket of goods and services used is not representative of the population’s consumption habits. According to the UGL, the result is that inflation rates are underestimated and cannot serve as a reference to support the demands of trade unions regarding revision of collective agreements. The Committee recalls in this regard that, under the Convention, the representative organizations of employers and workers must be consulted on the methodology used in compiling these statistics "with a view to taking into account their needs and to ensuring their cooperation". It asks the Government to indicate any new measure taken or envisaged to ensure that consultation with the social partners takes place, in particular on the subject of the method used for compiling consumer price indices.

2. Communication of statistics to the ILO. Article 5. Please ensure that the statistics referred to in Article 7 of the Convention on the economically active population, employment and unemployment, derived from the quarterly survey, on the active population are regularly communicated to the Office within a reasonable time.

3. Communication to the ILO of the methodology used. Article 6(b). Please provide the Office with a detailed description of the methodology used for compilation of the statistics referred to in Article 13 of the Convention on household income and expenditure.

4. Average earnings and hours of work. Article 9. Please indicate whether measures have been taken or are envisaged in order to assemble, compile and publish regularly statistics on average earnings and hours of work in absolute figures. Please continue to supply information on changes in the compilation of statistics on average earnings on the basis of a survey of the active population.

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