Information System on International Labour Standards

Solicitud directa (CEACR) - Adopción: 2003, Publicación: 92ª reunión CIT (2004)

Convenio sobre la inspección del trabajo (agricultura), 1969 (núm. 129) - Italia (Ratificación : 1981)

Otros comentarios sobre C129

Solicitud directa
  1. 2023
  2. 2022
  3. 2019
  4. 2015
  5. 2004
  6. 2003

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The Committee notes the Government’s reports and the documentation attached thereto. It notes that the legislative texts provided do not specifically concern the issues covered by the Convention. It nevertheless notes that the statistical tables of the results of inspections carried out in 2000 and 2001, particularly in the context of combating illegal employment (in conjunction with other concerned bodies), indicate the number and geographical distribution of enterprises and workers covered by the inspections. The Committee hopes that updated information of this kind on the agricultural sector will be included in the annual report on inspection activities, that this report will be published and transmitted to the Office in accordance with Article 26 of the Convention and that it will contain information on each of the items specified by Article 27.

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