Information System on International Labour Standards

Solicitud directa (CEACR) - Adopción: 2000, Publicación: 89ª reunión CIT (2001)

Convenio sobre la readaptación profesional y el empleo (personas inválidas), 1983 (núm. 159) - Japón (Ratificación : 1992)

Otros comentarios sobre C159

Solicitud directa
  1. 2005
  2. 2000
  3. 1996

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Article 2 of the Convention.  Further to previous comments, the Government states that the main vehicles for promoting employment of people with disabilities are quotas for hiring in firms, sheltered workshops and welfare factories. The Government aims to accommodate approximately 68,000 workers with disabilities in either sheltered workshops or welfare factories by 2002.

The Japanese Trade Union Confederation (RENGO) states that although there is a quota system established by law in Japan, in practice it is not being followed, especially in large enterprises. RENGO considers that the law is not enforceable, due to poor administration and guidance. The system for integrating people with disabilities into the labour market needs to be improved. RENGO states that it has developed some policies which it has submitted to the Government for consideration. Please provide further information on how the suggestions of RENGO have been taken into account.

Article 3.  The Government states that several acts have been adopted to promote the employment of women, and laws which disadvantage them have been repealed. The Committee notes this information and would appreciate being kept informed of progress made in ensuring equal access to employment for women with disabilities.

Article 5.  In reply to previous comments, the Government states that the Central Deliberative Council is comprised of 20 members, mainly representatives of the disabled, of social agencies concerned with issues of the disabled, of academics, and one business representative. The Committee notes that there does not appear to be any representation of workers’ organizations. Please supply further information on how cooperation with employers’ and workers’ organizations is promoted, and how their views are taken into account in formulating policies and programmes.

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