Information System on International Labour Standards

Solicitud directa (CEACR) - Adopción: 1999, Publicación: 88ª reunión CIT (2000)

Convenio sobre la consulta tripartita (normas internacionales del trabajo), 1976 (núm. 144) - Letonia (Ratificación : 1994)

Otros comentarios sobre C144

Solicitud directa
  1. 2022
  2. 2012
  3. 2008
  4. 2006
  5. 2004
  6. 2001
  7. 1999
  8. 1998

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The Committee notes with interest the Government's report, and particularly the information provided in reply to its previous direct request on the frequency of the consultations held in the Tripartite Cooperation Council on the matters covered by the Convention. It requests the Government to continue providing such detailed information in future reports on the application of the Convention.

The Committee notes the communication from the Confederation of Free Trade Unions of Latvia (LBAS) denouncing the violation of the rules of procedure of the National Tripartite Cooperation Council on the occasion of the revision of the national legislation on public pensions. The Government is requested to provide any observations which it considers appropriate concerning the allegations made by the LBAS.

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